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Looking for Phlebotomy Classes in Montgomery County, MD

Considering enrolling in phlebotomy training courses in Montgomery County, Maryland? There are certain things to keep in mind.

What Exactly Is Phlebotomy?

The first thing to understand is precisely what phlebotomy is and what it entails. Phlebotomy is a practice involving the removal of blood from the body or the veins. This extracted blood is then used for the purpose of donation, medical testing, or other potential clinical uses.

The people who perform phlebotomy procedures are nurses, doctors, or specialized medical technicians such as phlebotomists specifically trained in this area.

Top Knowledge Healthcare will soon be offering MA classes in Montgomery County. Reach out to us if you’re considering a career as a Medical assistant (MA)! Sign up below to get more information.

What to Expect in Phlebotomy Courses

During a phlebotomy training course in Montgomery County, you’ll learn all of the aspects you need to learn to become a successful phlebotomist. Whether you’re planning on working in a laboratory, hospital, clinic, or blood donation center, you’ll learn what you need to know for any environment.

Some of the things you can expect to learn include:

  • Blood Collection Procedures – This is vital to the everyday duties of phlebotomists. Procedures you learn will include venipuncture techniques for various patients, including newborns, children, and seniors.
  • Lab Safety Practices – Learn about the different lab equipment and proper cleaning processes.
  • Point-of-Care Testing and Special Collections – Gain familiarity with unique and specific collection processes for blood and other bodily fluids.
  • Blood and Cell Make-Up – In your course, you’ll learn how infection affects both cells and blood and how to prevent any potential issues when drawing blood.
  • Physiology and Anatomy – Get a complete understanding of the core physiology and anatomy involved in phlebotomy especially the vascular system.
  • Medical Terminology – Learn the specific vocabulary used in phlebotomy, including technical and scientific terms.

How Long Does Phlebotomy Training Take?

Phlebotomy training program and course durations will depend on the type of program in which you’re enrolled. Programs can range anywhere from a few weeks to a few months.

Where to Find Phlebotomy Classes in Montgomery County

If you’re trying to find the best phlebotomy class in Montgomery County, MD, you’ll be able to get the training you need here at Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute. We can help you get the training and certification you need within 6-8 weeks.

To learn more about our phlebotomy training program, simply contact us and we’ll provide you with all of the information you need to get started. We’ll be opening new course offerings in Montgomery County soon!

Can You Get a CNA Certification Without a GED or High School Diploma?

If you’re interested in becoming a CNA, but you don’t have a high school diploma or GED, that’s okay! You can still attend classes, complete a CNA program, and take the GNA certification exam. Check out frequently asked questions about becoming a CNA without a GED or high school diploma and learn more about CNA programs below.

Do You Need a GED to Enroll in CNA Classes?

There are no state regulations stating that individuals are required to have a high school diploma or GED prior to attending nurse aide or CNA classes. However, some schools and nursing facilities offering CNA classes may require a high school diploma or equivalent (GED) to enroll in the program. A program coordinator at the school or nursing facility that is offering CNA classes should be able to tell you what is required.

At Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute, you are not required to have a high school diploma or GED to register for our CNA/GNA training program.

Do You Need a High School Diploma to be a CNA?

You do not need a high school diploma to become a CNA. In fact, plenty of successful CNAs never earned a GED or high school diploma.

While you don’t need a high school diploma of GED to become a CNA, having a diploma can certainly help improve your job prospects, considering some employers prefer to hire CNAs with a high school education. Additionally, if you plan to move into a different health care field or profession, you’ll need to have a GED or high school diploma.

How Long Is a CNA Program?

CNA programs vary in length, but they can take anywhere from 4 to 12 weeks to complete.

Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute offers a CNA/GNA certification program that is 115 total hours in length. Our daytime and evening CNA training programs are 5 weeks in duration, and our evening/weekend CNA training program is 6.5 weeks in duration.

Can I Get My CNA Online?

Many CNA programs—including Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute’s program—offer CNA classes online. However, there will always be an in-person component to CNA training programs.

How Much Do CNA Classes Cost?

The cost of CNA classes varies from program to program and state to state. However, CNA programs can cost up to $2,000 for tuition in addition to textbook costs and other fees.

At Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute, our total program cost is $1,395, including all tuition, textbook, and workbook fees.

How to Get Your CNA License Without a GED

1.    Complete a CNA Training Program

To become a CNA, you will need to complete a state-approved training program. Find a CNA training program that does not require you to have a high school diploma or GED.

Different states have different requirements for CNA training and certification. For example, CNA programs in Maryland must include a minimum of 100 hours of total training, with a minimum of 40 total clinical hours.

2.    Submit Your CNA Application

After completing your CNA classes, you must submit an application to be certified by your state’s Board of Nursing. It is important to note that having a criminal history can hinder you from becoming certified.

3.    Pass a Certification Exam

The final step is passing your GNA exam. The GNA certification exam is optional and must be taken within 12 months of your CNA program completion date.

Get Started with Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute’s CNA Classes—No GED or Diploma Required!

In-Person & Online CNA Classes Near You

You are not required to have a high school diploma or GED to register for our CNA/GNA training program. To learn more about Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute’s CNA/GNA certification training program, contact us today. We offer convenient weekend, daytime, and evening classes to help make it easier to achieve your goal of becoming a CNA or GNA.

Understanding the Breakdown of CNA Training Programs

cna training schoolWhen you’re learning about the various requirements for CNA certification, you probably see the same things over and over – theory, laboratory, and clinical components. If you’re considering enrolling in a CNA training program, becoming more informed about the various aspects of the program can be beneficial so that you know at least a little about what to expect. At Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute, our program will ensure all students are prepared to take their exam to become certified nursing assistants.

How Long Are CNA /GNA Certification Programs?

The CNA/GNA certification program is 135 hours in length. The program is divided into three separate components—the aforementioned theory, laboratory, and clinical components. The theory component is 60 hours, the laboratory component is 35 hours, and the clinical component is 40 hours. After the completion of the program, you will be prepared to take the certification exam.

What Does the Theory Component Teach?

During the theory component of the certification program, you’ll learn the necessary knowledge for performing basic patient care services for patients and residents alike. This care must be provided under the supervision of a licensed nurse. In the theory portion of the course, students are taught principles of hygiene and grooming, as well as measuring of vital signs, communication techniques, medical terminology, and more.

Other areas of study include:

  • Basic anatomy and physiology
  • Nutrition
  • Principles of toileting
  • Principles of infection control

Teaching methods during this portion of the training program include demonstration, gaming, group discussions, and more.

What to Expect from the Laboratory Portion of CNA Training

Alongside theory training in lectures, students in CNA training programs at Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute will learn everything they need for CNA certification requirements—including practical, hands-on skills including things like bed-making, feeding, hand washing, measuring vital signs and weight, transferring, moving, and positioning patients, and more. To ensure students are prepared for their careers, TKCHI has increased the minimum required hours for laboratory work from 16 to 35 hours, which has helped our students’ confidence levels, and has empowered them to become the best CNA/GNAs they can.

Clinical Training in Our Program

Finally, our students will receive clinical training. This is completed in the form of a 40-hour externship. With our program, student externships take place in a long-term care facility in the Baltimore area that is affiliated with the school. Before the externship, students are given an orientation to the facility as well as its policies and procedures.

Preparing for the GNA/CNA Exam with Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute

The goal of any CNA certification program is to prepare graduates for working in any healthcare setting. The program at Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute will ensure that students are prepared not only for the CNA exam, but also the GNA (geriatric nursing assistant) exam, which is not required to become a CNA , but is required if you want to work in a long-term care setting or on rehabilitation floors in some hospitals.

To learn more about the CNA/GNA program at Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute, contact us today.

A Guide to Free and Low-Cost CPR Classes in Baltimore, MD

If you need to find a class in Baltimore for your CPR or First Aid Certification, it can be a bit overwhelming to research all of the options available near you. Digging through all of the locations, different costs associated with classes, and the ones that are informational but don’t count toward certification can be a lot to take on, so we’re here to help.

At Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute, we understand the importance of being able to take CPR/First Aid classes and obtain all of the necessary certifications for your career, and that’s why we want to simplify your research process. Not only do we offer CPR/First Aid classes, but we’ve compiled a list of other free and low-cost CPR classes in Baltimore, Maryland, so you can choose the one that is best and most convenient for your schedule and budget.

Free CPR Classes in Baltimore

Though not a certification class, the Baltimore County Fire Department (BCFD) offers a class that teaches “Hands Only CPR.” Hands Only CPR is a technique that virtually anyone can perform in an emergency. It consists of three steps:

1. Call 911

2. Push hard and fast on the center of the victim’s chest

3. If possible, use a portable defibrillator, also known as an AED.

Hands Only CPR does not call for mouth-to-mouth contact, and keeps the victim’s blood pumping and flowing until professional help arrives. It is considered to be just as effective as traditional CPR, however the free class offered by the Baltimore County Fire Dept BCFD. is not a certification course, so if your career path requires certification, this may not be the best option. To register for this free class (which is also available in Spanish), click here.

$: The Basics from Baltimore County Fire Department

CPR courses offered by the BCFD include an interactive video, mannequin, ventilation device, automatic external defibrillator (AED), and an experienced instructor. This $35 class includes lessons and hands-on practices of the procedures necessary to clear airways, recognize the symptoms of a heart attack and assist someone who is having one, assess an unresponsive person, and administer CPR to a victim. Find out more about scheduling and registration by visiting the BCFD’s website.

$$: Top Knowledge CPR/First Aid Classes

Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute offers a low-cost CPR/First Aid Certification class in Baltimore, as well. Here, a certified American Heart Association instructor will offer a class during our course for students who do not have their CPR/First Aid Certification. The cost of this 5-hour class is $70. For upcoming classes or to register, contact TKHCI.

$$$: American Red Cross and Chesapeake AED Services

The American Red Cross presents an adult CPR/AED class several times a month in Baltimore. The course is offered online and in a classroom, and costs participants $70.

Finally, Chesapeake AED Services offers American Heart Association CPR, AED, and First Aid courses for people every month at their training facility in Baltimore County. Check their schedule online to register for their $80 class.

For more information about free and low-cost CPR/First Aid Certification courses, contact Top Knowledge Healthcare Institute today.